San Rafael State Natural Area

- San Rafael State Natural Area is a valley in Southern Arizona known for its scenery and wildlife
- Located about 15 miles south of Patagonia and 75 miles south of Tucson
- Arizona Important Bird Areas Program
- The area is home to many species of plants and animals, including pronghorn antelope, Canelo Hill lady's tresses, Mexican garter snake, Huachuca tiger salamander, Gila topminnow, Gila chub, Sprague's pipit, Baird's sparrow and others
- The area features rolling hills, native grasses, and cottonwood trees
- One of the last remaining short grass prairie systems in the United States, with no paved roads, power lines, or telephone lines
- The movie McLintock (John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Stephanie Powers) was filmed here on the San Rafael Ranch ... some scenes in Oklahoma (Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones) were also filmed here