Willcox Playa

-A large, triangular, dry lake ... 10 miles wide, 8 miles long
-Remnant of Lake Cochise, a pluvial lake from the Pleistocene era
-Made up of ancient sedimentary deposits, including sand, gravel, silt, and dune sand
-The 595-acre Willcox Playa Wildlife Area is a place for bird watching, photography, and viewing mammals, amphibians, and reptiles
-Over 20,000 sandhill cranes migrate to the playa area each winter, from October to February ... nice viewing areas near Willcox (northeast side of the Playa) and the Apache Generating Station (west side of the Playa)
-Potential landing site for the Boeing Starliner spacecraft
-Arizona Important Bird Area (IBA)
-Union Pacific Railroad tracks cross the northwest corner of the playa
-World War II bombing practice target can still be seen (via Google Eath) on the east side
