Antelope Jackrabbit

-The antelope jackrabbit (Lepus alleni) is a North American hare that lives in the arid grasslands and shrublands of northern Mexico and Arizona
-They are the largest rabbit in the western hemisphere
-Antelope jackrabbits are named for their fast speed, which can reach over 40 miles/hour
-Solitary animals that are secretive and screen themselves from predators
-Antelope jackrabbits are herbivores that eat leaves, grass, and sometimes cacti ... they prefer greener areas with more vegetation to the dry desert
-Antelope jackrabbits have a white belly, light grey sides, a back peppered with black, and orange coloration on the neck and chest
-Their body length is about 22 inches long and their tail can be 2 to 3 inches long
-Antelope jackrabbits are so well-adapted to water shortage that they never need to drink ... they simply eat water-storing plants like cacti