Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate

-A former Spanish military presidio, or fortress
-Located west of Tombstone, east of Huachuca City
-The Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate was established on a bluff overlooking the San Pedro River by an Irish-born Spanish Army Colonel, Hugo Oconór (Hugh O'Conor), in 1775, for the King of Spain Charles III
-One of the best preserved sites from among the chain of similar presidios that extended from Los Adaes, Louisiana to Alta California
-Like all frontier presidios in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, Santa Cruz de Terrenate was garrisoned by soldados de cuera
-The failure of the presidio was due to numerous problems like the lack of crops, raids on the horse herds, surprise attacks on the mule trains carrying supplies, and the continuous attacks by Apache directly on the fortress ... these contributed to the abandonment of the garrison in 1780
