-The Huachuca (Sonoran) tiger salamander was listed as Endangered by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and as a Category 2 Candidate for protection under the ESA
-It has been listed as a Sensitive species on the Coronado National Forest since 1988
-Scientific Name: Tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum)
-These salamanders usually grow to a length of 6–8 inches with a lifespan of 12–15 years
-They can still be found in southern Arizona including the San Rafael State Natural Area near Patagonia
-It has been listed as a Sensitive species on the Coronado National Forest since 1988
-Scientific Name: Tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum)
-These salamanders usually grow to a length of 6–8 inches with a lifespan of 12–15 years
-They can still be found in southern Arizona including the San Rafael State Natural Area near Patagonia